RKB British Sidecar Championship
Dinner Dance & Awards Presentation
Dear Competitors,
RKB Motorsport announce regretfully that the January 2022 Presentation Evening has been cancelled. Due to the Pandemic Variant, applications understandably so, have fallen far short of expectations and as the event date draws closer, RKB Motorsport had no option but to inform the Bentley Hotel of our decision to cancel.
We are ever grateful for your past participation, and certainly hope this blip in our routine does not affect support going forward. It does of course mean we will have much more to celebrate after the 2022 season, so let’s have a great year and look forward to that.
RKB Motorsport would like to take this opportunity to apologise for any inconvenience caused and thank the teams that have already applied for the Presentation Evening.
Yours in Sport
Glenn “Chalkie” Walsh